The Audiences We Serve
Primarily serving Hawai‘i residents on all islands, Outreach College welcomes international students, lifelong learners, and professionals from around the world seeking career advancement and personal enrichment opportunities.

Working professionals seeking to advance or change their careers may find it difficult to take classes on campus during regular working hours. For these students, Outreach College offers undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs online and at times and locations that accommodate professional schedules. For individuals whose professional goals do not require a degree, or who need more immediate training, Outreach College offers noncredit classes, workshops, and certificates. These programs typically run from one day to several weeks.
Students of all types find summer an excellent time to take advantage of educational opportunities provided by Outreach College Summer Sessions. Degree-seeking students can stay on track by taking a required course either online or in an intensive format. High school students can get a jump start on their degrees by taking one or two college courses during Summer Sessions. Or they can attend a noncredit summer program focused on a specific area, thereby broadening their academic experience without the stress of tests and grades.
International students and faculty seeking short-term study in the United States have a range of programs to choose from at Outreach College. In addition to expanding their English language skills, program participants learn about Hawaiian culture, explore the islands, and interact with diverse groups of people both on-campus and in the community.
For individuals seeking to expand life skills or deepen their appreciation of culture and the arts, Outreach College offers outstanding personal enrichment opportunities through noncredit courses, music, and dance performances, visiting artist programs, and presentations by scholars and experts.
Through flexible programming and delivery, and with our academic, business, and community partners, Outreach College extends the resources of the University of Hawai‘i’s flagship campus to server the diverse needs of the community.