

Admission through our programs will allow you to register for Outreach College Extension and Summer courses only.


PRIORITY DEADLINE: 10 working days prior to the start of the course.

If you are required to provide transcripts (see Requirements for Admission), submit your application A MONTH PRIOR to the published deadlines as additional time is needed for transcripts to arrive and be reviewed.

Notification of Acceptance: Students will be notified of their acceptance within 10 working days from the date the application is submitted. Anticipate delays during peak application period.


(August - December) 


(January - May)



General Admission:

February 1 - November 1

High School Programs

Early College Scholars: 

January 1 - April 1

General Admission:

September 1 - April 1

High School Programs

Early College Scholars:

September 1 - November 10


Summer Session 1:

January 1 - May 5

Mid-Summer Session:

January 1 - May 27

Summer Session 2:

January 1 - June 17


Early College Scholars: 

January 1 - April 1

Summer Scholars:

January 1 - April 15


Apply at least 3 months before the start of your summer courses.

If you are interested in courses offered through the standard UHM Fall and Spring semesters, please contact UHM Undergraduate Admissions or UHM Graduate Division to submit an application.

Admissions FAQS

Yes.  As long as you have not taken courses for the required amount of semesters (Fall and/or Spring) as specified in the terms of your suspension/dismissal, you can take Outreach College courses.  Please note that after submitting your application, you may be contacted by an Outreach College advisor to discuss your academic situation.

No, your status as a UH Manoa student begins in the Fall and does not go backwards. Before you can register, you will need to be admitted for the Summer semester.

Undergraduate students may not need to apply. Contact Outreach College Student Services to request Summer admission.

Graduate students and International students must submit an application for the UHM Outreach College Non-Degree Seeking, Unclassified Programs.

You are in good academic standing if you are neither on probation nor subject to suspension or dismissal.

Since you did not enroll in any courses, the registration system will not allow you to register for the next semester.  You will need to submit a new application.

For UHM Classified students who receive a Leave of Absence from their School/College Student Academic Services office, you do not need to re-apply when you return.