
Frequently Asked Questions


MyUH Account

Yes. Email sent to your UH email account is considered an official channel of communication by the University, so you must check it regularly. Once you have been admitted, you must use your UH email when contacting us as well. Learn more from Google@UH Gmail FAQs.

If you prefer to use a different email address, it is important that you forward your username@hawaii.edu email to your preferred address. Go to the ITS Google@UH Gmail page and follow the instructions. If you need assistance, contact the ITS Help Desk.

Update your information through MyUH Services. Search for the Student Services Menu and click on Personal Information to make updates. The Federal Tax Credit Form 1098-T is sent to your permanent mailing address in January. Request changes to your permanent address through the UHM Registrar’s Office.

The Ticket, Information, and ID Office issues the Manoa One Card and is located in Campus Center 212 on the second floor near Subway. For office hours and information about ID cards, visit the Campus Center Ticket, Information, and ID Office.

Holds or financial obligations must be cleared before an ID card will be issued. You cannot use your ID card if you are not registered for the current term and/or you have a financial obligation hold.

Students enrolled in only Extension term credit courses in the Fall, Spring, and Summer are currently not charged student fees, so your Manoa One Card has limited privileges.

Membership is automatic as long as students have paid the mandatory “Man Studnt Ctr Ops & Rec Fee” (Manoa Recreation Fee) in the current semester. Please check for applicable fees charged to your account via MyUH Services.

Students who were not charged the Manoa Recreation Fee when they registered for credit courses can pay an OPT-IN fee for membership.

For information about membership eligibility and fees, inquire with the Student Recreation Services.

The UPASS is a semester bus pass for students to use on the city bus. The mandatory UPASS Transportation Fee is charged for the Fall and Spring semesters. It is not charged in the Summer. Please check for applicable fees charged to your account via MyUH Services.

Students who are not charged the UPASS Transportation Fee can pay an OPT-IN fee to get a UPASS sticker from the ID office for their ID card.

To learn more about Bus Passes and UPASS, visit the Campus Center Ticket, Information, and ID Office.


A student not having attended or participated in an academically related activity will be considered a no-show. Attendance will be verified during the early days of a course. Students who are reported as no-shows will be sent a notification to their UH Email account and dropped from their class(es). Students who are receiving financial aid will have their aid recalculated accordingly.

  • physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students;
  • submitting an academic assignment;
  • taking an exam, completing an interactive tutorial, or participating in computer assisted instruction;
  • attending a study group that is assigned by the school;
  • participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and
  • initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.

The following is NOT an academically related activity:

  • living in institutional housing;
  • participating in the school's meal plan;
  • logging into an online class without active participation; or
  • participating in academic counseling or advisement.

Courses & Credits

If you require a more detailed course description or syllabus, please contact the instructor listed on the Academic Calendar or contact the Academic Department. Some departments provide a course syllabus on their website.

Clicking on the CRN of the course from the Class Availability will bring you to the academic calendar that lists the instructor for the course. Clicking on the instructor’s name will give you a contact email address. If no instructor is listed, please contact the Academic Department.

Read the course descriptions listed in the UHM Catalog. Some courses cannot be registered for unless you have completed other courses, placement tests, or other requirements. Courses with these prerequisite requirements have a "pre:" notation in the course description.

If you have any prerequisite questions or you need an instructor's syllabus, contact the subject Academic Department office for information.

UHM is on a semester system. One semester credit is the equivalent of 1.5 quarter credits.

For instructions on how to request an official verification of your student enrollment status contact the Office of the Registrar. Please contact Financial Aid Services for more information on their full-time and half-time enrollment eligibility requirement.

Fall and Spring:

Undergraduate Students: 12 credits

Graduate/Post-Baccalaureate Students: 8 graduate-level credits


Undergraduate Students: 6 credits per 6-week session

Graduate/Post-Baccalaureate Students: 4 graduate-level credits per 6-week session

The maximum credits a student could register for is based on their home campus.  Students should not register for more than the noted total credits in the Fall or Spring regular and/or Extension terms.

UH-Manoa Undergraduate students: 19 total credits

UH-Manoa Graduate students: 16 total credits

Contact your School or College Student Academic Services Advisor if you plan to enroll in more than the maximum total credits.

We strongly recommend students enroll in no more than 8 credits per 6-week session and no more than 3 credits per 3-week session. Summer Sessions courses are highly accelerated and most meet everyday and we want you to plan your schedule and time accordingly. If you are accustomed to taking fall and spring courses on a semester schedule, a 3-credit summer course offered over three weeks is the equivalent of enrolling in a 16 credit hour semester (or 24 quarter unit) load. Taking 6 credits in six weeks is also the equivalent of enrolling in a 16 credit hour semester (or 24 quarter unit) load.

Final examinations are usually given during the last week of classes or on the last class meeting. Check your course syllabus or ask your instructor for your final exam date.