

Hawai‘i Opera Theatre (HOT) is a non-profit arts organization that produces professional opera of the highest artistic quality. HOT has been producing opera in Hawai‘i for over 60 years. The HOT Opera Express program helps reach over 8,000 students every year, introducing them to opera and operetta.

HOT Opera Express Brings performances of abridged operas and operettas that have been designed for audiences of all ages and include audience participation. Three singers and a pianist perform in front of a modest set, in costumes and with props.

The 2023-2024 school year production is of The Curse of Lou Ling, an adaptation of the opera Turandot. See the synopsis below.

An unknown prince has traveled to the kingdom of Lou Ling to win the hand of the princess, but to win her hand, he must answer three riddles. Winning makes him a king… lose, and he’s lost everything. Don’t miss this opera which features some of Puccini’s most thrilling music.


Technical: Outlets near performance area, bathroom access, minimum 20’x 15’ space, area to unload and load set.
Age Level Appropriateness: Kindergarten – senior citizens
Type of Program: Musical Performance/Drama/Opera

For information on booking, email us at csinfo@hawaii.edu