
Jeff Gere


Jeff Gere’s programs are constantly evolving and he is always exploring new elements and new stories as he and the world grow and change together. He currently has these three programs in his repertoire:

Haunted Hawai‘i has original retellings of true supernatural tales of Hawai‘i collected across 30 years of continual performing. These are exceptional ‘chicken skin’ experiences, so beware! Jeff, who was born on Halloween, can adapt the selection of tales to the age and temperament of the occasion.

Silly ‘N Spooky Tales is an hour-long collection of usually light, short stories from and about local kids—playground home-run hits guaranteed to have your kids or the kid-in you both laughing and crying. The ‘Spooky’ here refers to spooky tension that turns into laughter.

Shadow Dances presents folktales in shadow puppetry tales using an overhead projector and laptop (shadow stage sitting in Jeff’s lap). Jeff is visible throughout the program and the shadows thrown on the wall are HUGE. The show includes Muslim, Italian, a Jewish & Hawai‘ian tales. And Jeff is constantly creating more. They have proved to be very popular abroad. Jeff has done them for oceans of Summer Fun children on Oahu for decades.

* Jeff is also available for two types of in-residence workshops:

His storytelling workshop “Tell Well” is an intensive 4 to 8 hour session designed to help people tell tales well. “Tell Well” can be offered in 1 to 4 sessions.

Jeff offers a 2 to 3 hour workshop, “Art Off the Wall,” a series of exercises extending visual art into writing, storytelling, and drama. Jeff did this for 3 years at the Contemporary Museum. He has also taught this class to teachers for many years at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center.

Both workshops can be customized.

Age Level Appropriateness: Preschool – senior citizens.
Type of Program: Lecture/Demonstration, short and long-term residency.

See and hear more at Jeff’s website.



1 chair or preferably a bench
Quiet setting
Microphone for audience of 100 or more, lavalier preferred


For information on booking, email us at csinfo@hawaii.edu