Joseph Miller
Storyteller Joe Miller has been telling stories inside and outside of the classrooms for twenty years. He has performed as a mime, actor and juggler in schools and festivals throughout Hawai‘i. Whether the theme be “Myths and Fables with a Twist”, “Juggling and String Stories” or “My Big Fat Greek Stories”, Joe will certainly entertain all audiences.
His current repertoire includes:
1) Maui and Mahuika (Maori version of theft of fire told with string figures)
2) Kaneapua the First Navigator (Told with Shadow Puppets)
3) E Na Lima Hana. ( A table top object theater program that is for younger three to five-year-olds (Pre-k and Kinder) that is no words, just music, and object manipulation
1) “The Coming of Corn” (Ojibwah tale of initiation and sacrifice)
2) “Raven and the Whale” (Haida tale of honoring and transgressing nature)
3)“Atlanta” (Greek tale of beauty, friendship and love.)
4) “Narcissus and Echo” (The myth of the original “Facebook)
5)“Erysicthycton” (Greek tale about the consequences of violating sacred groves).
**** Following telling, there is an artistic response from students, usually in storyboarding or brown paper puppetry to engage their voices in retelling and metabolizing the story.