
Saturday, September 16, 2023
East-West Center Hale Halawai

Click here to register.

For beginner and intermediate students. No experience in Balinese music and dance required.

Workshops are for ages 7 and up and limited to 30 participants. Please wear comfortable clothing, dancing will be done barefoot Bring your water bottle.

Saturday, September 16, 2023
All workshops at East-West Center Hale Halawai

9:00am -12:00pm: Dance Workshop

1:00pm – 4:00pm: Gamelan Music Workshop

4:30pm – 5:30pm: Talk Story: Introduction to Balinese Music and Dance

Talk and Workshops lead by:

I Made Widana Lecturer, UHM Department of Theatre and Dance; Artistic Director, UHM CSEAS Balinese Gamelan Music and Dance Ensemble

Annie Reynolds, PhD Assistant Director, UHM CSEAS Balinese Gamelan Music and Dance Ensemble; Exhibitions and Collections Curator, East-West Center

This event is supported in part by the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts and the East-West Center Arts Program.