Innovative ten-week English language program for students and professionals offered four times each year.
Mission Statement

New Intensive Courses in English (NICE)
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Outreach College

The mission of the New Intensive Courses in English (NICE) is to equip speakers of other languages with the language and cultural skills necessary for success in today’s global society in academic, professional, and social contexts. To fully serve students with different goals, the program offers a full-time program that emphasizes oral communication and cultural competence by:

  • Providing a flexible curriculum suited to the students’ interests, needs, and abilities while adhering to the overall curriculum guidelines for each course;
  • Specializing in innovative methods for teaching listening and speaking skills;
  • Developing and practicing real-world listening and speaking tasks, which include authentic readings as input and realistic writing as output;
  • Maximizing opportunities to use the communication skills learned in the classroom on campus and in the community;
  • Providing a culturally diverse, enriching, and supportive learning environment while fostering a sense of “aloha.”

(adopted 11/9/16)

Program Goals

The NICE ten-week program focuses on communication, culture, and community.NICE maximizes the students’ time in Hawai’i through in-class and off-campus activities that provide an intensive, yet fun, experience learning English while immersed in Hawai’i culture. If you are 18 years or older, join us on an enriching study abroad experience like nowhere else in the world. University groups are welcome.

  • Provide a flexible curriculum suited to the students’ interests, needs, and abilities while adhering to each course’s overall curriculum guidelines
  • Provide innovative methods for teaching listening and speaking skills
  • You will learn real-world listening and speaking tasks, including authentic readings as input and realistic writing as output
  • Maximizing opportunities to use learned communication skills outside of the classroom
  • Providing a culturally diverse, enriching, and supportive learning environment while fostering Hawaiian cultural values
Program Features

New student orientation
All new students attend an orientation, including a tour of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa campus, learn about program policies and procedures, NICE curriculum, and health and safety procedures.

Conversation lessons with Interchange students
Two times each week, once in Oral Production class and once in Integrated Skills class, you will meet with University of Hawaiʻi (UH) Interchange students. Teachers provide assignments that encourage practice in speaking for academic, professional, and social situations. At the same time, the Interchange students will help you adjust to university life and local culture.

Community Day
You will have opportunities to go off-campus with the Integrated Skills class to learn about places relevant to the course curriculum while interacting with people living and working in the community.

Social and cultural events
Throughout the year, the entire program participates in social and cultural events. Examples include Valentine’s Day social, Halloween event, May Day celebration, among other events.

You should expect two to four hours of homework every day. The amount and type of homework vary by class.

Optional classes
Each term, additional classes are offered. TOEFL and TOEIC preparation classes are usually offered on alternating terms.

NICE is an official test site for the Institutional TOEIC exam. Tests are offered to NICE students on an optional basis at the end of each term for a minimal fee. (A minimum student count is required to run the exam)

All students who meet the program requirements for performance and attendance are presented with University of Hawai’i certificates at a closing ceremony on each term’s last day. Food or refreshments are provided.

What to expect
  • Interactive classes focused on practical communication
  • Conversation sessions with UH students
  • Off-campus educational activities
  • Optional excursions
  • Closing celebration and a University of Hawai’i program completion certificate
Type of student that would benefit

• Must be 18 years or older by the beginning of the study term
• Must be High School graduate or equivalent
• Must be non-native speakers of English

How to apply

Students interested in the 10-week NICE program can apply here.

Program Cost

NICE 10-week FULL-TIME (4 courses)
Click here to get more information

NICE 10-week Part-time (3 courses)
Click here to get more information

NICE 10-week Part-time (2 courses)
Click here to get more information

NICE 10-WEEK Part-time (1 course)

Program dates

Spring, 2025
April 11, 2025-June 20, 2025

Summer , 2025
July 11, 2025-September 19, 2025

Fall, 2025
October 10, 2025-December 19, 2025

Winter, 2026
January 9, 2026-March 20, 2026


Students can pay with a credit card online or fill out a paper application and send it by email or mail.

Withdrawal Policy (Before the End of the Session)

From time to time, a student needs to withdraw from the program before the end of a term, for example, due to a family emergency or a health reason.  On such cases, please come to the NICE office immediately and explain your situation. The NICE office has a form for you to fill out so that we can collect all the necessary information for you to provide to us. Also, its electronic form is available upon request.  Regardless of your reasons for early withdrawal, no refund nor pro-rated tuition is given after the 5th business day of the term.

Policy on the Maximum Length of Study at NICE

The NICE curriculum is designed for a student to take two terms per level. Since there are five levels in total, it is normal to take ten terms (i.e., 2.5 years) to complete its entire curriculum.  Due to some individual situations, we allow a maximum of 3 years for a student to remain in the program as long as the student continues to make steady progress.

Group Sponsors

Please contact the NICE office for information regarding the application and payment process for your group.

Contact us

ipinfo@hawaii.edu (mail payment to address below)                               
(With payment to)        
NICE Registrar
The University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
2440 Campus Road, Box 447
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA

Office location
The University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
2560 Campus Road, George Hall 102
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA

CEA Logo

The University of Hawaii at Mānoa New Intensive Courses in English (NICE) Program is accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation for the period April 2022 through April 2032 and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions. CEA is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. For further information about this accreditation, please contact CEA, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 630, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 665-3400, www.cea-accredit.org.