How to Apply to 10-Week NICE
Applying to the 10-week NICE program
Individual students may apply and pay with a credit card online or fill out a paper application and send it by email, fax, or mail.
Group Sponsors, please contact the NICE office for information regarding your group’s application and payment process.
When to apply to the 10-week NICE programs
Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the program is full. For students requiring an I-20 Form and F-1 student visa, we recommend applying at least ten (10) weeks before the beginning of the study term.
For 10-week students not requiring student visas, we recommend applying at least six weeks before the beginning of the study term.
ALL APPLICANTS to the 10-week program must complete the following Items:
- Non-refundable Application Fee and Full Course Fee for one session (check or money order payable to “University of Hawaii”)
- NICE Program Application Form
- Health Certification Form filled out and signed by a licensed physician.
Applicants who need a Student (F-1) Visa must also submit Item #4 & #5: (The Health Certification Form, may be submitted via email to or may be faxed to (808) 956-3421; also please mail originals. If you are bringing a dependent with you, please email us at for more information.) - Official financial statement on bank letterhead with the name of the student, student’s immediate family member (parent, spouse, brother, sister), or sponsor*; name and address of bank; account number; account balance (minimum USD $8,221.00 for each 10-week session); signature of bank official; date of a bank statement. Bank statements must be dated within six months before the beginning of the study term. Sponsors must also submit an Affidavit of Support form.
- Copy of current Passport.
For Transfer Students only: please also submit Item #6 & #7: - Transfer Verification Form, signed by designated school officials from the previous school. Please download and print the form or request a copy of this form from the NICE office.
- Copy of current I-20 from your current or last school attended.
Mail 10-week NICE application items to:
NICE Registrar
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
2444 Campus Road, Box 447
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822 USA
Refund Policy
For 10-week sessions, 100% of the course fee will be refunded if requested in writing within the first 5 business days of the term (by 12:00pm HST, Thursday of Week 1). No refund issued thereafter.
Application and registration fees are non-refundable. Please email