Graduate Certificate in Ethnomathematics
The Ethnomathematics Graduate Certificate is a 15-credit hybrid program grounded in real-world problem-solving that empowers teachers as leaders to be locally-minded, global citizens through a sense of purpose and a sense of place. Students have the option of adding the field, Ethnomathematics, to an existing Hawai‘i Standard or Advanced License. As endorsed by the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board, the ethnomathematics program assessments, rubrics, and framework meet state and federal standards.
The Ethnomathematics program creates opportunities to develop teachers as leaders through the following objectives:
- Increase knowledge of culturally-sustaining mathematics content aligned with K–12 federal and state standards and values-based frameworks;
- Prepare teachers as leaders to provide instruction and professional development in Ethnomathematics in their schools, districts, and communities; and
- Strengthen sustainable campus-community networks leading to college, career, and community readiness.
Many of our students choose to enroll concurrently in this program and in the College of Education’s Master’s track in Math Education.
Course Listing
EDCS 606 Research Curriculum & Teaching (3 credits)
EDCS 622G Curr Lead: K - 14 (3 credits)
EDCS 632 Qualitative Research Methods (3 credits)
EDCS 653F Math/Schools-Integrated Math (3 credits)
EDCS 654 Ethnomathematics (3 credits)