Master of Science in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science- Rehabilitation Counselor Education Program
The Rehabilitation Counselor Education Program (RCEP) is an online program that prepares rehabilitation professionals as well as individuals new to the field to work effectively with persons with disabilities in the rehabilitation service delivery system.
Rehabilitation Counselor Education Program (RCEP) prepares graduate students to become successful practitioners and administrators in the field of vocational rehabilitation. This 48-credit distance education program leads to a Master of Science degree in Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science, with a specialization in Rehabilitation Counseling. The RCEP requires 3 years of enrollment (~6-9 credits/semester) in a hybrid online environment.
The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) sets the standard for quality rehabilitation counseling services in the United States and Canada and has developed its credentialing process to protect individuals with disabilities. Graduates of the RCEP program are eligible to take the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) examination; and the National Counselor Examination for Licensure and Certification (NCE).
RCEP graduates may also apply for State of Hawai‘i licensure as a Mental Health Counselor, provided they complete (1) the required post-graduate direct counseling work, (2) face-to-face clinical supervision within a two year period, and (3) pass the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE).