
Minority Health Research Training Program in Health Disparities (MHRT)

Minority Health ProgramThe Minority Health Research Training (MHRT) Program in Health Disparities offers students from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to engage in out-of-state National Institute of Health-funded research projects, in areas including tropical medicine, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, community-based participatory research, public health, and epidemiology.

About this Program

MHRT is offered through the UH Mānoa John A. Burns School of Medicine Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology, and Pharmacology. Selected students design, then conduct research projects while under the guidance of expert, faculty mentors – develop research skills and a deeper understanding of their chosen projects.

Students begin during the Spring semester in a 3-credit preparatory course at UH. Registration for TRMD 440, is through UH. During the Summer semester, MHRT Scholars earn up to 10 credits completing a tailored research project that begins with an intensive 10-day Introduction to Biomedical Research Workshop at UH. Students then live out-of-state for 8-10 weeks while conducting research under the guidance of on-site mentors. Upon returning to UH, they participate in a 10-day workshop guided by biostatisticians (if needed) to assist with data analysis and written report preparation. Finally, the program concludes with student presentations of their findings.

Note: Doctoral students prepare a manuscript for publication and present their findings at a future symposium.

Program Benefits

  • Work closely with UH and out-of-state mentors to design and conduct research projects
  • Earn up to 10 credits through directed research courses
  • Learn laboratory techniques and shadow biomedical scientists in situ
  • Learn community-based participatory research
  • Earn a stipend while conducting summer research
  • Receive modest research supply funds
  • Participate in life-changing research and cultural experiences

Who Should Apply

Program is designed for registered college students

  • From underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds
  • At the undergraduate and graduate level (from all academic disciplines) with two or more years of science studies
  • Motivated to improve healthcare disparities and treatment outcomes
  • Who aspire to participate in biomedical and community research projects out-of-state (e.g Washington, Arkansas, Utah, American Samoa, Guam, India, Thailand, Cameroon, Liberia)