
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Teacher Education- Elementary Education

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Teacher Education – Elementary is a 31-credit program that would provide additional pathways to teacher licensure in grades K-6 for individuals who hold an undergraduate degree in a field other than education. It will also provide a pathway to teacher licensure for paraprofessionals and long-term substitutes currently working in Hawaii public schools. Providing multiple pathways to teacher licensure would address the growing need for qualified, licensed teachers in grades K-6, particularly in geographic areas that have historically experienced difficulty recruiting and retaining classroom teachers.

Once completing an initial teacher licensure program, graduates are eligible to apply for a state license through the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board, which will allow the licensee to teach in public and charter schools in the State of Hawai‘i.

Hawai‘i also participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement which facilitates the mobility of educators among states that are members of NASDTEC. UHM recommends you contact the office of certification in any state to which you may be relocating to get the most current information. See NASDTEC website for more information.


Students admitted to the PBCTE – Elementary Ed program may be eligible for Grow Our Own Teacher Initiative (GOO) stipends that cover most of the cost of tuition and fees. GOO is made possible through a partnership between the College of Education of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and Hawai‘i Department of Education. For more information on eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit our Grow Our Own Teachers page.