Noco Ladies
About the Instructor

Dr. Ron Vave is an indigenous Fijian, Assistant Professor in Pacific Islands Studies with a background in biochemistry, fisheries governance and indigenous resource management. He has 20+ years of community-based fisheries management experience in the Pacific region and has published on cultural ecosystem services, deep sea mining, and fisheries impacts.

For inquiries: call (808) 956-0229 or email: ronvave@hawaii.edu

Summer 2 (Online)

This course will introduce you to indigenous peoples and local communities in the Pacific Islands region known as Oceania including their dependence and management of coastal fisheries resources. We will explore how aspirations, beliefs, reciprocal relationships, traditions, and cultural practices of these communities shape their understanding and utilization of the marine environment. This includes examining the innovative actions they take to protect and maintain a way of life that ensures a sustainable future for present and future generations.

Each student selects a Pacific Island country at the beginning of the course. New topics such as kin-centric ecology, and seasonal calendars that influences or affects community-based fisheries management (CBFM), will be introduced each week. The students then research and submit info on those topics for their selected Pacific Island country. This approach allows students to get to know CBFM for their country, and also learn from other students about other Pacific Island countries.

Fulfills general education requirement: DS

Updated 12/18/2024