What type of student are you?
Current UH Mānoa Students
Students already enrolled at the UH Mānoa.
Visiting Students
There are over 900 courses in 100 subjects to choose from during summer – including online and intensive 3-week courses. Non-residents receive the resident tuition rate for summer courses.
International Students
Looking for an educational experience in the United States? Study on our vibrant campus during the day; participate in diverse cultural activities and explore scenic areas nearby during your free time.
Incoming Freshmen
If you are currently in grade 12 and coming to UH Mānoa in Fall 2024…
Get an early start on your college experience with the Early Start Program. Ease in to college with one or two classes in the summer and take advantage of additional resources and activities designed specifically to make your transition from high school to college a smooth one.
High School Students
If you are currently in grades 10 or 11…
Join the Summer Scholar Program and earn college credits during six weeks in the summer. Upon acceptance to the program, qualified high school sophomores and juniors can register for University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Summer 2024 courses and experience the college environment while still in high school.